About Us

Our commitment is to provide support for early-stage drug discovery and translating academic innovations into new drug candidates

About Us
Providing support for early-stage drug discovery

The BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery (BCDD) is a fully integrated center for translational research, based at Tel Aviv University, that comprises medicinal chemistry, biological target identification and computer-assisted drug design units under one roof.


The (BCDD) is the first complex of this kind at an Israeli university, and provides a state-of-the-art R&D environment and academic platform in the relevant fields of early stage drug discovery.


The BCDD International Advisory Board and Academic Board

An academic board was appointed to include the academic director together with representatives of the four relevant TAU faculties (Medicine, Life Sciences, Exact Sciences and Engineering).


An International Advisory Board for the BCDD is appointed, to comprise experts in the drug discovery field. The Committee's primary responsibility is to select and monitor the BCDD's scientific projects and initiatives including reviewing outcomes and measuring success. The Board meetings hold on a half yearly basis, on the TAU campus, to review previous and proposed research activity and issue recommendations.


The BCDD: Medicine, Life Sciences, Exact Sciences and Engineering under one roof


Our Mission

The BCDD’s commitment is to provide support for early-stage drug discovery and translating academic innovations into new drug candidates.


The BCDD provides the academic environment, expertise, and infrastructure to help researchers develop disease models/biological assays for drug screening and to advance promising early-stage drug candidates through the optimization/target validation pipeline.


Our Uniqeness

  • Early-Stage Drug Discovery - Top-of-the-line and one of a kind academic platform for campaigns
  • Treatments for Rare Diseases - By preforms translational innovative research

  • Personalized Medicine - cell-based HTS platform derived from patients samples

  • Automated Infrastructure - Cutting edge and research methodologies

  • Academic R&D - To reach industrial requirements

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