
The center's facilities offer technologies which support research activities to promote the discovery and development of new therapeutics at TAU

Developing State-of-the-Art Technology for Drug Discovery. BCDD
Developing State-of-the-Art Technology for Drug Discovery. BCDD

The BCDD's facilities offer a breadth of capabilities and technologies, which support diverse and collaborative research activities to promote the discovery and development of new therapeutics at TAU.


Several novel approaches are being used for biological target identification and compound validation processes such as high throughput image-based screening analysis together with complementary high throughput genomics, metabolomics and proteomics.


Additionally, the computational chemistry lab uses the most advanced computational tools to design the optimal compounds for the in-house synthesis of small molecules and peptides is provided by the medicinal chemistry lab.


Areas of Focus

BCDD, Areas of FocusBCDD  projects are also working in other areas of focus.

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