CADD Software

Computer Aided Drug Design Tools



Design tools

Molecular modeling PrimeX, MODELLER, I-TASSER, SWISS-MODEL, Rosetta
Molecular dynamics Desmond, GROMACS, Amber
Structure-based drug design Glide (Schrödinger), FlexX (BioSolveIT), Autodock
Ligand-based drug design Phase (Schrödinger), LigandScout, PharmaGist
Chemoinformatics OpenBabel, RDkit, Marvin (ChemAxon)
ADME Toxicity prediction QikProp (Schrödinger), SwissADME
Molecular Visualization Maestro (Schrödinger), BioSolveIT, LigandScout (Inte:Ligand), PyMol, VMD, Chimera
Structural SAR LigandDesigner (Schrödinger),  SeeSAR (BioSolveIT)
Databases in web servers ZINC DB, ChEMBL DB, PubChem
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