Metabolomics - A New Frontier in Preventive Medicine

Tel Aviv University's new Metabolite Medicine Division at the BLAVATNIK Center for Drug Discovery poised to revolutionize the field

20 July 2023
Metabolomics - A New Frontier in Preventive Medicine
Research associates Nanyun Zhang and Michal Kaczmarek working at the new Metabolite Medicine Division labs (photo: Yoram Reshef)

Even the simplest blood tests of today – which monitor about 20 substances in our body - have powerful predictive and diagnostic power. For example, high cholesterol suggests possible heart trouble, and abnormal glucose could indicate pre-diabetes.


Now imagine that routine and low-cost bloodwork could check for thousands of compounds all at once, as well as calculate the balance between them. Such a real-time status check would provide doctors with unparalleled knowledge for diagnosing patients and creating personalized profiles for the most effective treatment of disease.


The Super Blood Test

We are entering such an era at TAU’s new Metabolite Medicine Division at the BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery. This suite of labs is the most advanced at an Israeli university for the emerging science of metabolomics - the study of small molecules called metabolites that our bodies produce every second of our lives as part of ongoing cell processes. Sometimes, all that is required is to identify the one metabolite culprit that is throwing the body off balance.


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Source: TAU Review

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