BOG 2023: Envisioning Better Vision

The Elia Family Eye Research Fund has spurred retinal neurodegenerative disease research for three years

20 July 2023
BOG 2023: Envisioning Better Vision
Celebrating the Elia Family Eye Research Fund. From left, Prof. Karen Avraham, Mrs. Vanessa Elia, Mr. Sasha Elia and Prof. Abdussalam Azem (photo: Chen Galili)

Tel Aviv University held an informative event to celebrate the Elia Family Eye Research Fund’s third year and to provide an update on the breakthroughs it is supporting. The Fund drives research on retinal neurodegenerative diseases, which affect the sight and lives of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. The interdisciplinary research is run as a joint effort between the Sheba Retinal Research Laboratory and the BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery. The Center works with academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and clinicians to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical translation for new and innovative drug treatments. 


Vanessa Elia, a board member of American Friends of TAU and benefactor, expressed appreciation and amazement for the advancements which are being made to help those with these diseases, and shared the personal nature of her contribution. “I had the opportunity to spend the day with the scientists working on treatments, and it was truly incredible to see the advancements they’ve made in just three years. I live with this disease on a daily basis: my father has macular degeneration, and it is extremely challenging. My family is proud and humbled to be part of this team that is doing such amazing work.” Mrs. Elia also drove home the importance of family in addressing her son Sasha, saying how glad she was that he was able to join her for the ceremony and the BOG.  


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