Congratulations to Dr. Dana Laor from Ehud Gazit's lab for her publication

The article, "Fibril formation and therapeutic targeting of amyloid-like structures in a yeast model of adenine accumulation", was published in "Nature Communications"

09 January 2019
Congratulations to Dr. Dana Laor from Ehud Gazit's lab for her publication

Congratulations to Dr. Dana Laor from Ehud Gazit's lab for her publication: "Fibril formation and therapeutic targeting of amyloid-like structures in a yeast model of adenine accumulation".


The article was written by Dana Laor, Dorin Sade, Shira Shaham-Niv, Dor Zaguri, Myra Gartner, Vasantha Basavalingappa, Avi Raveh, Edward Pichinuk, Hamutal Engel, Keita Iwasaki, Tatsuyuki Yamamoto, Hemanth Noothalapati and Ehud Gazit.


The article was published in "Nature Communications", volume 10, Article number: 62 (2019)


To read the article click here >>

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