It is never too early for outstanding science: meet Shon Levkovich

His research conducted in collaboration with the BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery

25 November 2020



At the age of 20, Shon Levkovich is the youngest PhD student in the University. Shon has graduated summa cum laude from the Open University at the age of 19, and joined Prof. Ehud Gazit's laboratory at the Faculty of Life Sciences for his PhD.


His research, conducted in collaboration with the BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery tackles an as yet unanswered question in biology: how do cells cope with aggregation-prone yet life-essential metabolites?


The Yeast Team at the Gazit Lab, led by Dr. Dana Laor Bar-Yosef, aims to answer this intriguing question, which could have immense impact on our understanding of human diseases and point on novel therapeutic targets.

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