Active Engagement of BCDD Researchers at MCS-ICS 2023 Conference

The event featured a variety of fascinating sessions, flash talks, and an insightful poster display | Written by: Apurva Panjla

17 August 2023
Active Engagement of BCDD Researchers at MCS-ICS 2023 Conference
Photo: Poster presentations (left to right: Dr. Vadim Galperin, Dr. Apurva Panjla, Dr. Sudha Shankar, Dr. Babita Bisht)

BCDD members demonstrated active engagement at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Medicinal Chemistry Section of the Israel Chemical Society (MCS-ICS) in 2023. The conference took place at the Weizmann Institute of Science on July 20th.


The event provided a dynamic forum for scientists, academics, and industry specialists to share their latest findings and insights in the captivating field of medicinal chemistry with fellow attendees of this annual gathering."



Lectures, flash talks and posters

The conference featured a variety of informative sessions including insightful lectures, flash talks and a comprehensive poster session. These sessions covered a broad spectrum of research topics, such as drug design and development, antibacterial and antifungal, novel therapeutic approaches, and other diverse research subjects within the domain of medicinal chemistry.


The exchange of ideas, the establishment of new partnerships, and the advancement of cutting-edge research techniques were the primary objectives of this gathering. This created an ideal environment for participants to be exposed to state-of-the-art advancements, share research insights, and explore potential collaborations.



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