Prof. Ehud Gazit is the winner of the Landau 2020 Award in the Field of Healthy Aging

The prestigious award, presented on behalf of "Mifal Hapayis", was given to nine scientists and artists in order to promote research, science, the arts, and culture in Israel

14 December 2020
Prof. Ehud Gazit is the winner of the Landau 2020 Award in the Field of Healthy Aging
Prof. Ehud Gazit is the winner of the Landau 2020 Award in the Field of Healthy Aging

Prof. Ehud Gazit, the Founder and Academic Director of the BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery, is the winner of the Landau 2020 Award in the Field of Healthy Aging.


The prestigious award, presented for the 19th year on behalf of "Mifal Hapayis" (Israel national lottery), was given to nine scientists and artists in order to promote research, science, the arts, and culture in Israel.


Prof. Gazit is a world-renowned researcher in the field of nano-technology and biological chemistry. His research has helped with the understanding of bio-molecular structures, molecular self-assembly and bio-technology.


Prof. Gazit also helped develop the field of healthy aging, making it into a field which has been adopted by various research groups around the world.


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