BCDD researchers get advanced training in metabolomics

Dr. Avi Raveh and Dr. Shira Shaham-Niv gained hands-on experience in various aspects of metabolomics

22 January 2019
BCDD researchers get advanced training in metabolomics
Dr. Raveh and Dr. Shaham-Niv with their hosts at the Birmingham Metabolomics Training Center. Photo: BCDD Private collection

Last week, The Birmingham Metabolomics Training Center hosted Dr. Avi Raveh and Dr. Shira Shaham-Niv - two senior BCDD researchers, for a hands-on professional training.


Dr. Raveh and Dr. Shaham-Niv attended the course "Multiple Biofluids and Tissue Types, from Sample Preparation to Analysis Strategies for Metabolomics".


Practical experience in metabolomics

During the course, they acquired practical experience in metabolomics, including metabolite extraction and clinical sample preparation, mass spectral analysis and metabolites annotation and identification.


The Birmingham Metabolomics Training Center trains metabolomics researchers, and offers a range of metabolomics courses suitable for scientists, with a range of previous experience in metabolomics research, from introductory courses to experienced PDRA's.


Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre - website >>

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